The Culture of the cosmos, the rational world, now on Earth

What is Culture Rational ?

It is the knowledge of the origin of humans. Where he came from, how it came, she came from and return to its origin, showing how the man will return to its natural state of rational being neat, clean and perfect.

All this through the messages of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR, an extraterrestrial being, published in the Books "UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT.

In returning to their origin, what are the goals of the Cultural Background ?

To connect the humans to their world of origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, by the Rational development which is obtained by reading and rereading the books "UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT. Reading the book brings the perfect balance of matter in life: physical, moral and financial, which culminates with the Rational Clairvoyance, when then, the reader will have contact with the inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, the world that we originate and for which there
're back.

How anyone can prove the reality of the goals of Cultural Background ?

Very simple: because it is a process of development will not only reading the first volume of the book that the person will have these checks, though they have happened to many people. They are, the appearance of lights in various hues, sizes and forms, direct contact with extraterrestrial beings, talking and being driven anywhere. And the most important thing is to get inner peace.

It's like we started to learn what is true happiness. He arrived in the world that had long been announced by the prophets, sages, astrologers and science.

A transcendental knowledge that exceeds all expectations of human knowledge and that unlocks the mysteries of nature and the animal Rational in a logical, simple and clear. It is a knowledge extracted from knowledge of this world, but the truth of truths, given by the RATIONAL SUPERIOR.

The RATIONAL will lead humanity to RATIONALIZATION UNIVERSAL. And so, with careful reading of this knowledge, all without the slightest effort, quite naturally, without attending any place will be directed at all, getting the precise guidelines for its perfect balance moral, physical and financial, within their own homes or wherever they are. So there is no temple, synagogue or house of preaching, or obligations, it is just reading this great Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, which gives the protection that no one has ever known.

In Rational Culture there are no miracles.

All the diseases in the world, are caused by the change in the biofield. The world is a set of electromagnetism and therefore we are also trained in electromagnetism. The change of this energy field is what causes us all diseases, like cancer, stroke, osteomyelitis, and any type of disease. The excess magnetism kills, the excess electricity kills the same way. And we are subject to the effects of two fluids monsters: the electric and magnetic.

In RATIONAL there are no miracles, everything happens naturally, the solutions are consequences of the perfect balance that one gets from reading the messages of the RATIONAL SUPERIOR. In proportion as the person is reading, she comes to be connected to their world of origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, where you will receive all the orientations required for your right to live. With the development acquired through reading, one begins to shut down this whole electromagnetic spectrum, which is the world we live in, to stay connected to their true nature, the world of their true origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.
Replacing your electromagnetism by the RATIONAL ENERGY, reaching the condition of rationality and IMMUNIZED no longer be born to die here in this world, but in its real world, the RATIONAL WORLD.

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